Monday, December 18, 2006


Our Explorer boat gets dwarfed by a large amount of ice and snow behind..

Iceberg ahead...

Antarctic sunset

Parked in ice at 3 am, looking for emperor penguins..(eventually seen, but at a distance)

Follow my leader, penguin style (they are not too keen to jump into the water first because of elephant seals, so there is lots of waiting around to see who jumps first before they all do!)...

March of the (small) penguins..

Finding a bit of Britain at Fort Lockerby Antarctic Heritage Base

Resting on a vocanically warmed beach after a hard couple of hours sightseeing on Elephant Island, a former whaling station (I later cooled down in the icy cold waters of the sea, which was probably not such a good idea in retrospect..)

Relaxing over dinner, which inevitably was always a 3 course affair..

Friday, December 15, 2006

Photos- October to November 06...

Political street demonstration, Buenas Aires

The 3 towers at sunrise, Torres del Paine Park, Chile

I cross one of the many bridges with pack, Torres del Paine Park, Chile

Alice and John demonstrate the 'Happy Campers' pose, Torres del Paine Park, Chile

Update etc..

Haven't blogged for ages, which is pretty poor really, but will try to make up for it now, which breif summay of what I have been up to in the wild south of the world (with photos to illustrate)....

Since leaving Brazil behind in October, I headed back down to Buenos Aires, where I spent a couple of weeks doing the things that I didn't do before like going to a La Boca football match and going to a Robbie Williams concert, and some things I did do before, like partying...I then headed down to Puerto Madryn, where I saw some dolphins and penguins and importantly meet some guys to do some walking with down south..Alice and Amelia who I met in the hostel, and John who I met on the bus going south..

Then spent 2 weeks in southern Argentina and southern Chile looking at glaciers and doing quite a lot of walking/ treking near El Chalten in southern Argentina and Torres del Paine in Chile with these guys. Managed to see some great scenery and have the fun of camping for a few days in T del Paine!...

After walking headed south to the end of South America and managed to pick up a boat trip to Antarctica in Ushuaia. This was pretty amazing really, which I hope the photos show.

Since Antarctica, headed up to Chile via Navimag ferry to pretty Island of Chiloe, Volcanos near Puerta Varas (where did more walking, and cycling) and now back in Bariloche contemplating more treking..

Hope following photos give an idea of what I've been doing..